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Self Image Rewrite

What exactly is self image and why do I speak about it so much? 


So firstly I'd like to say it's not because I have found this new cocky self loving image about myself, it has been a renewal of my mind. I have taken away self doubt, self loathing and the unhealthy thought patterns I held towards myself. I have replaced them with much healthier & happier ones. 


Yes I have always seemed very confident and out going on the outside or on the surface, but deep down I had a lot of fear based beliefs that did not serve me well which often left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. 


I also picked up a lot of negative narratives along the way that simply were not mine to carry, like many of us do in life.  We hold onto belief systems that simply do not match with our own personal authenticity. 


I had to make changes before the Hypnotic Rhythm and paradigms of self destruction completely over consumed me and those who love and support me on a daily basis. 


I couldn't see the worth and value that other people saw in me because it actually physically hurt to receive the love that people offered. I robbed myself of so much because I couldn't see past my unhealthy self image. 


Self image is how we see ourselves, how our reality looks. 


How does your self image look today?


I can help you to rewrite your self image

Get in touch with all of your questions,  I would love connect with you.

Thanks for submitting!

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